Survey: What Support do Seniors Need?


State Health officials want to hear from older Montanans to learn more about services and support they need. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services (DPHHS) is partnering with Area Agencies around the state to conduct a community assessment survey for older adults.

DPHHS’s director Adam Meier said, “I encourage all Montanans 55 and older to participate in the survey. We’d really like to hear from as many people as possible so we can better serve all Montanans.”

The survey includes questions about quality of life, important community characteristics, services provided and priorities for the future.

The Community Assessment survey is open to all Montanans age 55 and older until June 8th.

To participate online, go to

A paper copy can be requested by contacting COA at 406-363-5690 or emailing DPHHS Kerrie Reidelbach at

The survey takes 15-30 minutes to complete and will be available until June 8.

Results are expected to be available on the DPHHS website in August and will be presented at the annual Governor’s Conference on Aging in early October.

Thank you for helping COA and DPHHS better understand the needs of our community and how we can help older adults continue living independently for as long as possible. If you have any questions about the survey, feel free to contact COA at

Missoula Aging Services

337 Stephens AveMissoula, Montana 59801Phone (406) 728-7682Fax (406) 728-7687Contact


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