
Providing seniors of Ravalli County with comfortable, safe and reliable transportation.

BitterRoot Bus

The Bitterroot Bus offers comfortable, safe and reliable transportation for the young and young at heart in our valley.

Other Options

If the Bitterroot Bus doesn't work for you, there are other options for you to consider.

BitterRoot Bus Information

The Bitterroot Bus offers comfortable, safe and reliable transportation for the young and young at heart in our valley. Our clean vans and courteous drivers offer curb to curb service, offering mobility and independence for our friends and neighbors of all ages. Persons with disabilities can find reliable transportation with one of our two lift equipped vehicles. Just one person using public transportation can reduce carbon emissions by over 20 pounds. We are proud to be able to provide over 200 rides a week to the general public.

Our service runs from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, however, rides must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance by calling (406) 363-7484. Ride tickets are available for a 10% discount.

We accept exact cash or check only. NO CREDIT CARDS.

Contact & Additional Information

View our transportation
coordination plan:

View our updates to the Title VI discrimination policy:

Policies and Procedures:

Title VI Complaint Info

The BitterRoot Bus committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination in the receipt its services or programs on the basis of race, color or national origin or any other characteristics protected by state or federal law, including: the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Further, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, no entity shall discriminate against an individual with a physical or mental disability in connection with the provision of transportation service. To this end BitterRoot Bus has updated its Title VI program, as required by the Federal Transportation Administration, and is available for review.

To obtain more information on the BitterRoot Bus nondiscrimination obligations or to file a Title VI or ADA complaint, contact Nicole Cosby at the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) at 406.444.6334. You have the right to file a complaint of discrimination in writing no later than 180 calendar days after the date of the alleged discrimination. If you are unable to complete a written complaint, please contact MDT for assistance. Mail complaint to: 2701 Prospect Avenue, Helena, MT 59620.

Complaint forms may be obtained online here, or a paper copy can be mailed to you by calling 406-444-6334. Those using a TTY may call 1(800)335-7592 or Montana Relay at 711.

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